Amazon Error 8026: Seller is not authorized...

The error messages returned by Amazon are often confusing, but at times they are entirely wrong...
In a recent case, a user received the  Error 8026 trying to list an item to the Lighting category, which is quite strange because the Lighting category does not require approval, so every seller should be able to use it:

Error 8026: Seller is not authorized to list products in this category. For more details, see

It turned out that the actual problem was with watermarked product images, not related to the category at all. Still, this was the error message returned by Amazon, not mentioning product images at all. :-(
In another case, a user received the same error message when trying to list to the Sports category. According to the Amazon website, that category doesn't require approval - so the error didn't make any sense. Only by contact Amazon seller support, we learned that you can list new products in that category, but not used products which this particular user was trying to do.
That's why you might have to contact Amazon Seller Support in order to get some issues fixed. WP-Lister for Amazon can only show the errors and warnings returned by Amazon, and there are cases where these just don't make any sense...

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